L.U. No. 230 Victoria, B.C.
King Winter seems very reluctant to lessen his hold upon the west. In fact he became so severe a short time ago that most of the small lakes and ponds on our island were frozen over for a few days, and the number of people, from the youngest to the oldest, who stepped on the gas with skates was surprising. Brother Ira Smith gave an exhibition of real poetry in motion as he glided around so swiftly and gracefully on the steel blades that people gasped in amazement, but qualified their admiration by saying, �Oh, well, he comes from the prairies, and all the kids there are born with skates on!�
Work here is rather slack, most of the Brothers being on short time and some of them on no time at all.
The usual bunch still follow up the bowling. Brother Shorty Haines seems to be an authority on it. The other morning, before the line trucks pulled out, he gave a demonstration of the correct way in which a ball should be rolled. He stood on his right hind leg, wrapped his left around it, like ivy around an oak, and then, with a terrible look of agony on his face, went through the motion of delivery. That might be all right for Shorty, who is short, but, if that long-geared �Pride of Saskatchewan,� Brother Sid Neville, ever got tangled up in a knot like that it might require medical aid to unstrangle him. By the way, Sid must surely be low scorer as he never passes any remarks on the game and he seems to lack his usual sunny smile.
The golfing gang report progress. Some of them are acquiring an accent. They�ll be wearing monocles yet. But they won�t wear them around the line room long on account of the rest of us having such jealous, nasty dispositions.
We were very sorry to hear of the death of Brother Nordstrant which followed what was thought to be a minor operation in the hospital at Nanaimo. His friends and relatives have our sincere sympathy.
On the evening of January 24, the auditing committee audited the books of the local and found them all correct but are sorry to note that the bank account is much lower than it should be on account of the heavy expense incurred trying to keep members in good standing who are out of work, and they recommend that the most rigid economy be practiced in the future to avoid disaster.