Published in April 1932 - I.B.E.W. Journal

L.U. No. 230 Victoria, B.C.

A silver lining to the dark clouds to the present industrial depression is provided in the annual record of Canadian hydroelectric progress issued by the Dominion Water Power and Hydrometric Bureau of the Department of the Interior, which shows that during 1931 water wheels or turbines actually installed and brought into operation totaled 546,650 h.p. Taking into account a number of replacements of old by new installations, the net increase for the year brought the total water power installations in the Dominion to a figure of 6,666,000 h.p.

In addition, construction was advanced upon a number of undertakings, some of great magnitude. These being brought into operation in the next two or three years will add more than 1,400,000 h.p. to the Dominion water power development.

It is estimated that capital to the extent of at least $110,000,000 has been expended in providing for the development, transmission and distributing of the new power developed in 1931, while more than $280,000,000 will be required to bring to completion the projects under construction.

These large expenditures in the development of one of Canada�s most important natural resources should be most timely in providing employment to thousands of unemployed among whom are many electrical workers.
